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Niamh Poppy Erin Allman

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My name is Allison. I have known Niamh and her beautiful family for thirteen years, since teaching her in reception at Millfield Primary School. On the 11th March, this year, Niamh was admitted into hospital with a suspected, aggressive brain tumour. On the 20th March she underwent a craniotomy and debulking of 95% of the tumour and made it home two days later in time for her 17th birthday, the next day. It was diagnosed as a high grade Glioblastoma and unfortunately in the time between her surgery and starting daily chemotherapy and radiotherapy on the 29th April the tumour was already regrowing.
Niamh had her last radiotherapy on the 11th June but had spent the week before back in hospital. Unfortunately Niamh was so weak and sick that chemotherapy was abandoned.
On the 18th June Niamh commenced a new drug trial and had another MRI. The MRI tragically showed the cancer had progressed to her spine. All her mum, Kerry, wanted was to make memories for her and her sisters before their worlds were ripped apart but even that precious time was taken away as she became to weak and the pain became too hard to manage. She became virtually bedridden until she was admitted into hospital for the final time on 29th August.
Niamh said to her mum, “It’s not fair mum, everyone else with cancer gets to have a bucket list”. All the family managed to do was a day out at Drayton Manor in May and a cinema visit in the holidays.
Niamh never made it back home and passed away on the 10th September, one day before it would have been 6 months since being diagnosed.
I want to raise money for her mum, Kerri, and her younger sisters, Molly, Ellie and Alexis to give beautiful Niamh a funeral she so deserves. The money raised will go towards funeral costs and supporting this amazing family. No family should have to go through this horrific time.
Niamh was the most amazing and beautiful young lady with a very promising future.
Please come together to support her mum and sisters

Organizador y beneficiario

Allison Crook
Kerri Allman

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