Nicholas Jimenez Car Accident Recovery Fund
Last week my Uncle Nicholas, a Registered Nurse working in the Chippenham Medical Center Trauma Unit in Richmond, Virginia experienced a devastating car accident that left both his arms broken. In the days that followed his accident, Nicholas had to undergo multiple surgeries as doctors operated on his left arm elbow and right arm shattered wrist leaving both of his arms casted for many weeks to come. In addition to his major arm injuries, he also suffered minor (and still painful) mouth, chest, and rib injuries. While we are beyond grateful Nicholas is alive and stable, the unfortunate reality he now faces is the fact that he currently is unable to properly care for himself while also facing high medical bills. We are trying to help him only focus on his recovery. Nicholas is a hard worker, who in his free time loves to keep active and social; he is continuing his education studying to obtain his bachelor’s degree of nursing and enjoys being involved in intermural sports teams. Now Nicholas’s life looks very different as he is facing a long hard road ahead of him towards recovery and healing. Nicholas is a person whose chosen profession as a RN is caring for trauma patients, now he is on the other side of things and is the trauma patient needing to be cared for. We are asking for help anyone can provide to assist Nicholas with upcoming medical expenses.
This fundraiser is being organized by Nicholas's family and the funds raised for Nicholas will be used to pay for his medical costs.
We thank everyone for their support and will include updates on Nicholas’s progress.