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Nick's Internship Fund

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Starting January I will be working in Washington DC as an intern on Capitol Hill in the US House of Representatives. Since I will be studying political science in college, this is a huge opportunity for me in my career. Unfortunately, this is an unpaid internship. This internship; however, is what I have been striving towards for a long time. It will give me experience and knowledge to put me in a better place in my future career. I have been searching to find a place to live January - May but I would have to pay rent, and since this I am not getting paid, it is hard for me to have money to pay for rent. Ive budgeted for about 5 months worth of rent, transportation, and food. I would love if you could give whatever you could, because you are not just sponsoring me, youre sponsoring my dream. Thank you so much for anything you can do for me!


Nicholas Raineri
Lockport, IL

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