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Romero/Mayo Family Support

Spende geschützt

Sunday Night/Morning the Romero/Mayo family suffered from a Traffic accident at 4am their House went on fire With all the family sleeping inside, Jose was declared dead at the scene Nico was later declared dead at UCSD hospital. Their 3 children ages 17,21 & 24 were also rushed to the hospital. Oldest daughter(24) & Angel (17) are awake and Soon to be released from the Hospital. We are asking for everyones prayers Hoping for the best outcome. Any donations are greatly appreciated as they lost everything in the Fire for more info on donations please Msg us directly THANK YOU.
All money will go to the Surviving Victims  

Now more than Ever the Romero/Mayo family needs the community to come together. 
IRIS (21) was taken of life Support- 
& Is now resting peacefully next to her Parents 

Jose A Romero 10/13/19
Nicolasa Mayo 10/13/19 
Iris Romero Mayo 10/19/19

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Lauren Garibay
San Diego, CA
Wendy Romero

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