Nico (Nicolo Pastor) Emergency Medical Fund
Nico was in a terrible car accident and needs his community now more than ever!!!
**Update - If you wish to mail a card or make a donation via check/cashiers check, etc. Please mail to-**
Nicolo Yanez-Pastor
1559 Fifth Avenue
Belmont California 94002
On the evening of June 23rd Nico was hit dead on by a car driving freeway speeds. Nico was investigating an issue with his vehicle and pulled over to investigate. He was safely past the white line on the freeway shoulder and checked for oncoming traffic prior to exiting his vehicle. An oncoming vehicle with a distracted driver swerved and hit Nico point blank and crushed him into his front door and landing several feet ahead of Nico's car.
Luckily the driver of the car remained on the scene and was cooperative - However- the drive is under insured and our legal counsel at this time is unsure of any meaningful coverage to cover the enormous medical and rehabilitative costs that face Nico.
Nico sustained serious injuries to his legs, arms and torso. One of his legs has to be amputated above the knee. He has severe nerve damage on his right arm (Nico is right handed) and has limited function of his wrist and hand. Nico is also currently fighting ongoing staph infections as well further complicating his recovery.
Nico has been transferred to a post-acute rehabilitation center and is allowed visitors. Please feel free to reach out to Nico directly to schedule a visit.
We're putting together this fund raiser to help Nico begin his journey of recovery and rehabilitation.
We will keep this GoFundMe updated for the foreseeable future. Please share with community and family.