Nicotine Addiction 30-Day Challenge
Donation protected

For decades, Public Health, Tobacco Control, and Government experts have agreed in unison, that nicotine is the addictive chemical in cigarettes with comparisons and statements that nicotine is as or more addictive than heroin.
This "Public Health Challenge" is to show scientific proof that the assertions of addiction are true.
I have decided to put (our) money where your assertions are by taking you, the health, tobacco control, science and research communities, to literal task on nicotine addiction.
This is a 30-day challenge for anyone in public health to show nicotine addiction in humans, without MAOI'S, ammonia, or any other non-nicotine additive or any form of tobacco, without question.
You don't need to prove me wrong, you need to prove yourselves right.
That's it.
Nicotine Addiction:
An Open 30-Day Public Health Challenge:
Addiction to a habit-forming substance is defined by Merriam-Webster:
Medical Definition of addiction
: compulsive physiological need for and use of a habit-forming substance (as heroin, nicotine, or alcohol) characterized by tolerance and by well-defined physiological symptoms upon withdrawal; broadly: persistent compulsive use of a substance known by the user to be physically, psychologically, or socially harmful [emphasis added.]
To show proof of nicotine addiction with existing clinical trials, case studies, data, and scientific documentation of addiction to nicotine alone, without any form of tobacco or Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOI'S), ammonia, or any other non-nicotine additive, in humans.
Documentation submitted (either as a text file or in the form of a web link) must be accessible and not be behind a "paywall".
Unacceptable documentation:
•Animal studies (rats, mice, monkeys, etc.) are not acceptable.
• Submissions not published in professional or scientific journals or government websites are not acceptable.
•Anything inaccessible by the public, including "paywalls" via the internet, are not acceptable.
• Oral presentations, press releases are not acceptable.
Existing clinical trials, case studies, data, in vitro studies, self-reported surveys and scientific documentation in humans that claim probabilities or hypothetical possibilities as they do not show nicotine "is" addictive and are not acceptable.
• Existing clinical trials, case studies, data, in vitro studies, self-reported surveys, and scientific documentation cannot include words and phrases like "hand to mouth, dependent, habitual, ritualistic" or words like "can, conceivably, could, likely, may, might, perhaps, possible, possibly, possibility, probably, probability" and cannot include tobacco or MAOI's, ammonia, or any other non-nicotine additive for this challenge.
Acceptable Documentation:
• Documentation must be accessible to the public.
• Documentation must show the acceptable definition of addiction in existing clinical trials, case studies, data, or science and include characteristics of addiction such as increased tolerance, and withdrawal symptoms of nicotine alone, in humans, without any form of tobacco or MAOI's, ammonia, or any other non-nicotine additive.
• Documentation showing addiction in clinical trials or case studies with 3% or 2 subjects, whichever is greater.
Documentation must include a clear description of methodologies and results.
• Peer-reviewed submissions must include names and affiliations of reviewers.
• Documentation submitted (either as a text file or in the form of a web link) must be accessible and not be behind a "paywall".
• Documentation submitted must also include proof of existence with at least three of the following compulsive use or behaviors identified and defined, such as:
• Physical addiction
• Loss of job
• Erratic or deviant behavior
• Decreased social activities
• Increased tolerance of nicotine and use over time
• Harm to the patient or others around them
• Withdrawal symptoms, phases
Documentation must be submitted publicly and directly in the comment section here on my blog.

If addiction to nicotine is proven according to the criteria above, 5% of the funds donated during this 30-day challenge (minus processing fees) will be donated to The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids.
The remaining 95% (if proven) will be donated as follows:
In the absence of or lack of documentation submitted per the criteria stated above, or if this Public Health Challenge is deemed uncontested, any and all funds donated during this 30-day challenge (minus processing fees) will go to ecigarette-research.org for further research by Dr. Farsalinos and his colleagues.
While donations from businesses are appreciated, to avoid any conflict of interest, please submit all donations of any amount anonymously, or in your name only.
You can find me on Twitter or Facebook
You can also find me on my blog
Kevin Crowley
Dayton, OH