NightlineZ's Relocation BOOST Fund
Donation protected
Helllooooo~ I'm NightlineZ (Linez) and I'm a professional illustrator based in New Hampshire!
Oh boy here we go... I very much don't like to ask for help/donations. Last time I did a crowdfund for anything was back in 2019 and under 1k. That was to cover bills during a surgery recovery. However, I'm at my physical and mental limit and need an urgent boost. Offering INCENTIVE CUSTOM ART PIECES too since I PREFER WORKIN' FOR IT!
Story Time:
It has been a VERY rough year with a lot of life changes and stress. A LOT of serious personal things are happening and have happened that I won't get into now. The largest stressor is that my lease is running out October 1st. I have been searching for a new home since late June/early July. I had 3 fall outs on roommates. This last one happened LAST MIN. I've toured well over a dozen apartments and contacted at least 30 at this point JUST in Manchester NH over that time. Honestly, the combination searching for homes and applying for tours while juggling roommate schedules and needs has BECOME A PART TIME JOB ITSELF. I has cut into my work and time to save up extra.
My search went from (1 adult per BR)...
3BR/Sothern NH (pet friendly)
2BR/Sothern NH (no pets)
*Roomie Add On*
3BR/ MANCHESTER NH ONLY (roomie requirement)
*Reasonable drop out but at application time*
*Bailout at application time*
Now I'm searching for whatever fits my needs and works FAST. Here are some FAQ's~
Why the amount?
Frankly, TIMING. I have a SMALL savings right now that's enough to split a place with a roommate IF I SECURE ONE WITH A PLACE. I lost work hours with apartment hunting and going/traveling to tours. I have 2 conventions that I need to go to for work purposes in October. I could not get an extension to November 1st even though I'd be out of state most of the month. This amount would help me secure (rent+deposit) a place on my own if needed BEFORE my convention work pay. This will also go towards a U-Haul/moving help.
Why don't you leave New Hampshire?
This is something I've been getting asked the most and got the most FUSTERATING COMMENTS ABOUT. I CAN AND WILL NOT LEAVE STATE PLEASE STOP RECCOMENDING IT. My entire life is situated here and uprooting is not possible for my health and business. Being in New Hampshire is a LARGE part of why I can have a small business (no sales tax). I have VERY good mental health and trans health care here and I was planning a major personal surgery that will be needed within a few years. That had to be postponed because I CAN'T RECOVER AND MOVE AT TEH SAME TIME HA. Not to mention, ALL my connections for friends and business are up and around here. I've lived out of state before away from it all and it destroyed my mental health. One thing to crash for a month or 2. Relocating completely is out of the question and I need respect and understanding with that <3.
If you know anyone looking in Concord, Manchester, or Nashua (all NH) send them my way too~
Don't you have any back ups?
All the roomie and room for rent things fell through or have not been secure enough to confirm. I applied for income based housing due to the timing. I can ALMOST do my own place if it came down to it (might actually be it). No family to go to. I have couch surfing offers for out of state for a VERY limited time. I have too much things for typical furnished shared housing situations. Even been starting to interview strangers for roommates. I'm tired.
So... Incentive art???
YES! Donations $500+ get a choice of.....
FULL DIGITAL ILLUSTRATION (up to 2 characters)
ACRYLIC PAINTING ON CANVAS (1 character up to 16x20 inches)
These are not usually an item I offer for custom commissions. Open to discuss other options! Can offer more characters the higher the donation! COMPLETION ETA MID NOV/DEC 1ST.
I can provide samples soon!
Thank y'all so much for your time and the help <3<3<3

Elliot Mitchell
Concord, NH