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Nike Drive For Children

Spende geschützt
After seeing the backlash Nike received once announcing Colin Kaepernick as one of the faces of their new ad campaign, we became upset with the response people had to the company. Although we understand the growing need for civil discussion regarding race and police brutality, we were disappointed and enraged to see the #BoycottNike trend on Twitter featuring people burning their Nike products. In response to the ‘trend’ of burning Nike products, we've decided to host a Nike Drive for children in inner cities across the country who can’t afford the very products being burned and thrown away. 

We will purchase Nike shoes and clothing for the upcoming winter season for children in our under-served communities. If you are unhappy with the company's stance, we ask that you donate your Nike items, so we can give them to at-risk children in these communities. Email [E-Mail ausgeblendet] for more info on shipping

We’re student activists from TX, OR and FL and have worked tirelessly over the last several months organizing, educating and empowering young people. 

Love always, 
Marcel McClinton, Manju Bangalore, Jammal Lemy, and Ariel Hobbs

UPDATE: Marion McClinton, my mother will be withdrawing the funds from this account.  Our team will begin planning the Drive for local under-served Houston children.


  • Anonym
    • $25
    • 6 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Marcel McClinton
Houston, TX
Marion McClinton

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