Elderly mom and daughter homeless after tragedy.
I need your help, please help me. I have never asked for donations before, but I am reaching out to raise funds to help this family of three. They are homeless, due to the severe damages of the home they have been renting for the last 10 years and the landlord has ignored the situation. They manage on a very low budget and to find another rental within their budget that is safe, is almost impossible.
Last night I met up with Nikki and her mom, and was able to get them into a hotel where they can rest and feel safe, but it’s only, until Wednesday. The hotel is only a temporary answer. My goal is to raise enough money to get them their own home that they can manage with their budget and never worry about being homeless again.
Nikkis has a 17 year old daughter and is the sole care giver of her elderly mother that needs assistance to walk and managing daily life.
NO family should be in this situation and homeless, especially our elderly .
Nikki has reached out to the city and state help lines, but no one is stepping up.
We as a community Can make a difference. Please help me, help this family. I know times a hard for many people, but if all you can Donate is $5.00, every little bit helps.
All monies donated to this cause will go directly to the families needs and most of all, a home.