Ni'Zays Home Going
From day one Ni'Zay showed everyone he was strong, resilient, and courageous. Ni'Zay beat all odds of doctors telling us the family he wouldn't live past two years old but he lived to see age 17. He accomplished goals that others wouldn't think he could or would. Although Ni'Zay faced many challenges. He graduating from high school and received his diploma, He surpassed many milestone. He was such a loving young man. Anyone who came in contact with him he put a smile on their face. He touched many heart with just his loving smile. Due to covid Ni'Zays life was turned upside down. This gofund me will be used to fund Ni'Zays home going. This is a difficult time for the family we appreciate your kind words, text, and phone calls. I would like to thank each and everyone in advance for your love and support. Stay blessed his auntie please continue to keep us in your prayers.