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Help Tim Walid & Family Escape Gaza

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Hello, I am maisa, I have 3 children, and my mother is with me here in Khanunis, and my father is stuck in Gaza. My father has diabetes and needs to leave there for treatment.

I am a mother to Ziad, Amal, and Taim, my innocent children. We live in a small tent, as you can see, an environment that is not suitable for children. Epidemics are widespread here, and my youngest son, Taim, is struggling.

The little boy has a swollen eye. He took stitches in the war and it is unable to heal properly due to the insects and unclean living conditions.

I also have Ziad. He was one of the first in his school. Now his life and dreams to become a doctor have stopped.

Amal also feels sad when she remembers her days in Gaza and cries. Her life is at a standstill, without learning.

My husband has stopped working. Our home was destroyed. Because of the very high prices, I cannot afford anything for my children. In view of this, please help us get out of here to search for a safe and clean life for my innocent kids.

Recently, the IDF began evacuating residents from Rafah and launching heavy airstrikes everywhere. Aid has stopped due to the control of the Rafah crossing and there is no food for them either. Please, save My family and they are in danger. They are the most precious thing I have. Donate or share anything that can save my family. Thank you.

Here are the children-

This is Little Tim, who struggles to get milk and diapers. He has an infection in his eye that can't heal properly due to the unsanitary living conditions-



They are struggling to get food!

Flyers the IDF dropped-

Their home that was destroyed-

A message from Maisa the mother-

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.



Sarah Poynter
Indianapolis, IN

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