NW Michigan Archaeology Society
The Northwestern Michigan Archaeology Society (NMAS) is seeking funds to support its archaeological research activities in the Grand Traverse Bay Underwater Preserve (GTBUP). As Michigan's 12th Bottomland Preserve, the GTBUP's mission is to document, survey, publish and promote the cultural heritage found on the bottomlands of Grand Traverse Bay. The goal of the preserve is to document nautical archaeological sites mainly consisting of shipwrecks but including docks, piers, lighthouses and other manmade maritime objects. Although the GTBUP is a government recognized orginization, it receives no direct funding to help accomplish its mission. Resources are obtained primarily through grants and the generous work of volunteers.
This July the NMAS in collaboration with the Nautical Archeology Society of Great Britain is hosting an archaeological field school at Northwestern Michigan College. With your help our students can continue their work documenting the cultural heritage of Grand Traverse Bay.
For information on NASNMC and the GTBUP please follow these links.
The legal boundaries of the preserve are outlined on pages eleven and twelve of the document found here:
This fundraising is done with the support of Dr. Mark Holley archeologist of the Preserve by Trenton Zylstra a student at NMC. All money will be utilized by NMAS to support archaeological research.