No. 7 Employee Fund
Hi Everyone
On Sunday March 15th, we decided to close No. 7 Restaurant & No. 7 Sub at the Plaza Food Hall. We stayed open as long as we could in order
to continue to employ our staff while providing safe places for our
friends, family and neighbors. We were determined to be there for
everyone and anyone as long as we could but it became clear that
remaining open was not only not sustainable but would mostly likely
impede our ability to reopen in the future - and furthermore, remaining open was counter-productive to our desire to protect everyone and
support the city in its efforts to contain the virus.
In the end, the best way to support was to close so we can all take care our ourselves and hope for a quick end to this crisis - at which point, we will work day and night to get back open, re-hire everyone and start
over better than ever.
In the meantime, we have a great group of talented cooks, servers,
bartenders and more whom we cannot pay - many of whom have been with us for years. Unemployment insurance only goes so far and not
everyone is eligible. This is where you come in! Anything you
contribute would be a huge help and more appreciated than you can
imagine. 100% of funds raised will go directly to the front & back of
house teams.
Thank you for your continued love and support !
Tyler Kord & Katherine Pangaro