No Man's Sky Resources.com getting much more expensive
Donation protected
Hi, I'm Craig & I run the NMSResources website & have been helping people across the internet & in-game for 8 years. My website recieves between 49,000 and 89,000 unique visitors per day; depending on how long ago an update to the game dropped; so I have a lot of people counting on me & it's a lot of pressure; but I love helping people & love this game.
I have paid £650 up-front for an additional 3 years of the website. I have some Patrons, the donations from the 3 who donate a lot, ALMOST cover that cost, as long as they continue to donate. There are several others who donate small amounts, for short periods, which sometimes covers the missing funds for that month.
However, WIX have gotton greedy & are now charging extra for lines of spreadsheets (each line is an in-game item, which I've compiled info on, and the website reads & places into layouts I've created, often creating a page for each item, as well as compiling that info on a main page for that type of item). This addition to how they charge has resulted in them wanting an extra £500 from me to upgrade to the next plan, which allows for more content. I cannot begin to afford afford this on a teaching assistant salary, or the, I guess, £1,000+ it will cost to continue in 2.5 years time.
If you find the website useful, please consider donating here or on Patreon, either once, or more often. I put a huge amount of time, effort, and yes, money, into the website & would hate to have to abandon it. Thank-you in advance.
WEBSITE https://NoMansSkyResources.com/
TWITTER https://x.com/NMSResources
PATREON https://Patreon.com/NMSResources
LIGHT NO FIRE FACEBOOK GROUP https://Facebook.com/groups/lnfresources
LIGHT NO FIRE WIKI https://lightnofire.fandom.com/wiki/Lightnofire_Wiki
FARM TOGETHER 2 WIKI https://farm-together-2.fandom.com/wiki/Farm_Together_2_Wiki

No Man's Sky Resources NMSR