No Thyroid? No Problem!
I'm raising money to benefit ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors' Association, Inc., and any donation will help make an impact. The end of the fundraiser is going to be September 30, 2021 - September is Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month.
I was diagnosed with Stage 4C Medullary Thyroid Cancer in September of 2020. It was a bad enough year already, but I had to ask:
"What else could possibly happen this year???"
Thyroid cancer is often detected late because the person can have few symptoms or symptoms that don't seem like something bad is going on; like my symptoms were. Stage 4C means that the cancer has spread to distant parts of my body from the original source in my thyroid. There is no stage past 4C.
Medullary is a very rare type of thyroid cancer and I have a rare mutation that doesn't respond to any current chemotherapy treatments so there is no treatment that will cure me. It has currently metastasized to 5 of my vertebrae, and both sides of my hips. I've had radiation on my T8 vertebrae (it was almost 100% 'filled in' with cancer cells) and the PET scan revealed "innumerable" smaller metastasis throughout my skeleton; it's only a matter of time until it spreads to organs.
I'm planning on making the best of however much life I have left and I'd like to help others that are in the same situation as I am if I am able. If I can save one persons life by having them get diagnosed at Stage 1 instead of 4, I'd be incredibly happy!
I love cycling either on my mountain bike or road bike and there are no group ride events to raise money for cancer research/awareness in Minnesota that I can find so I'm making one!
My updated plan this summer is that I am going to solo ride from the NE corner of Minnesota all the way down the eastern side of the state to the SE corner at New Albin Iowa, a distance of about 465 miles!! The ride will be split up: 95 miles per day for 5 days, Sunday September 12th to Thursday the 16th.
I have a website I'm working on here: www.ntride.org
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ntnp21
Instagram: tdrayton014
Strava: www.strava.com/athletes/16430787
Want to join me in making a difference? (You don't have to ride the 450+ miles I promise) Any way you can help is appreciated!!
If you do want to join in on any part of the ride, I will post route updates when I get it planned. I think the "MRT" is a trail I'm going to be able to take almost all the way so you can ride with me for 5 minutes, 5 miles or all 5 days if you'd like.
More information about ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors' Association, Inc.: Our mission is: " To Educate, so we and our families better understand our disease. " To Participate, so others learn from our experience. " To Communicate, so we and our health care professionals better understand each others' needs. " To Support Research, for a future free of thyroid cancer.
Thanks in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much to me.