Shawna & Nolan's Medical Expenses
Imagine losing your 49-year-old father to an aggressive and rare form of cancer in less than three months. Then three months later finding out your grandfather has lung cancer and losing him a month later. And if that isn't enough for a family to endure, imagine losing your first-born child five days after he’s born, just 14 months after losing your father.
Andrew and Shawna Conley were married three years ago, and in May they found out they were having their first baby. At the first doctor's visit, they were surprised, ecstatic, and shocked to find out that they were having twins. The news just kept getting better, in August they found out it was twin boys. They felt that God was blessing them with these two little boys to help fill the void from the loss of father and grandfather the previous year. The babies were due December 20th. What an exciting Christmas present.
On September 10th Shawna gave birth by emergency C-section to twin boys, Lucas Scott and Nolan David. At only 25 weeks’ gestation, everyone knew these precious babies would have a long, difficult road ahead of them. After mere days spent fighting for his life, on September 15th they held their beloved Lucas as he took his final breath. Everyone knew the risks, but were heartbroken at having to face them.
While Andrew and Shawna grieve for Lucas, they remain encouraged and optimistic for Nolan. They believe that Lucas died to give his brother the strength to survive. All their focus, strength and energy is now focused on Nolan.
Parents should never have to bury a child. Andrew and Shawna will keep Lucas close to their hearts and not a day will go by that they won’t think of him. They didn’t just lose their baby, they lost a lifetime with their son that they loved before they ever got to meet or bring him home.
We are asking for some financial assistance with the mounting medical bills. Shawna has medical insurance; however, it has a very high deductible and out-of-pocket for herself and the babies. She has not worked since she was hospitalized back in September. Medical bills that could reach millions of dollars: hospital care for Shawna while she was on total bed rest for two weeks, C-section delivery of twins, NICU care for Lucas and Nolan, not to mention all the medical expenses that will continue into next year. The amounts owed by Andrew and Shawna will easily exceed $50,000.