Harvard Alum Supports N.K. Refugees: V.O.I.C.E.S.
Tax deductible
I am launching a GoFundMe campaign to support a special project for Freedom Speakers International aimed at raising awareness within the Harvard University community about North Korean refugees.
V.O.I.C.E.S. - Voices of Inspiration, Courage, Empowerment, and Survival
H.A.R.V.A.R.D. - Harvard Alumnus Raising Voices and Advocacy for North Korean Refugee Development
I am initiating this project to engage as many members of the Harvard community as possible, including students, alumni, faculty, and staff. If we succeed, we aspire to rename it as H.A.R.V.A.R.D. (Harvard Associates Raising Voices and Advocacy for North Korean Refugee Development), pending permission from the relevant authorities at Harvard.
Project Activities:
- Our project kicks off with a Workshop at the Harvard Graduate School of Education's Alumni of Color Conference being held March 1-2, 2024.
- I will embark on a mini-tour, delivering speeches to Harvard Clubs in Florida at the end of March and beginning of April. Your support can allow me to extend that trip or accept invitations from other Harvard Clubs around the world.
- On April 13th, we will host an event at Harvard University, during which at least five North Korean refugees will share their stories in English.
Funding Support:
While we have received some support for upcoming events, our trips are not fully funded. Your contribution can significantly aid us in engaging with more members of the Harvard community, while also creating additional opportunities for North Korean refugees to speak before our Harvard community.
Q: Why Harvard University?
A: Why not Harvard University? As a double alum of Harvard, I can use my network and educational background to engage others within Harvard. If you believe a different university should be reached out to, please feel free to do so.
Q: Is this endorsed by Harvard University?
A: Not yet. But it should be! This project is not officially endorsed by Harvard University. It is a grassroots effort led by a Harvard alumnus attempting to collaborate with members of the Harvard community who share our passion for increasing freedom for North Koreans and raising the voices of North Korean refugees.
Q: What's the goal?
A: The goal is to approach Harvard University in a more strategic way as an alum. Over the years, I have heard about events organized at Harvard featuring North Korean refugees.
Q: How many Harvard University people do you hope will join this project?
A: There are about 19,000 undergraduate and graduate school students studying at Harvard. If we can engage 0.5 percent of them, that would be 38 Harvard students. There are 19,000 staff members at Harvard, and 0.1 percent of them would be 19 Harvard University staffers connected with us.
Q: How can I help support this project?
A: For Harvard students, alumni, faculty, and staff, please join either as a public advocate or as a behind-the-scenes supporter. For everyone else, become a regular donor to this project. Your consistent support can help us become stronger so we can hold more events. We will recognize your support to the extent allowed by Harvard.
Q: What difference will this project make?
A: There have been several events at Harvard University over the years, with two organized by my non-profit organization Freedom Speakers International. However, they have been episodic. This time, we aim to host multiple events and reach out to people affiliated with Harvard University. If we are successful, we can establish a regular event at Harvard University featuring North Korean refugees.
This project will incubate out of Freedom Speakers International. That means your donations to this project are tax-deductible in areas where FSI is recognized as a non-profit organization.
If you have more questions that provide clarity to this project, please feel free to ask.
A public note to Harvard University's legal team and trademark office:
This project is not presented as being endorsed by Harvard University. It is a non-profit grassroots effort led by a Harvard alumnus who seeks to engage with others in the Harvard University community. Our project operates on a non-profit basis, with no commercial activities involved. You are invited to join as attendees, volunteers, and supporters. I will follow up with an email to the Harvard trademark office to ensure they understand the genuine spirit of our project.
The day may come that Harvard gives its blessing to this project, but this project is just starting as a grassroots project.
Freedom Speakers International