Help Feed Evacuated Livestock
This page is dedicated to raising funds to help feed evacuated livestock in northwest BC. Families and livestock have been displaced by wildfires in BC and many other northerners have opened up their homes, corrals, pastures, chicken coops and rabbit hutches to housing these animals. We need to raise funds to help provide feed and that's what this page is for.
The regional district covers a portion of these feed costs and we are fund raising to cover more of that cost. We are short on feed and need to get grain, pellets and hay to several of the evacuated livestock asap! You can follow evacuation orders and alerts on the Regional District's website: https://www.rdbn.bc.ca/
You can donate right here on this page or you can send money directly to the "Northwest Forest Fire Support" (NWFFS) account at the Bulkley Valley Credit Union:
BV Credit Union: Bank-809, Transit - 37010, Account -660500127803
Or you can email money to NWFFS team member - Jocelyn Bell [email redacted]
All funds donated on this page will go into the NWFFS account and be used to offset the costs of feed (and/or transporting the feed) for evacuated livestock. Jocelyn will disperse the funds to those who have helped relocate evacuated animals and had to pay for feed. We can only disperse what is raised and might not be able to cover 100% of the total costs but every, little bit helps! This is being done as an additional support measure to what is offered by the regional district. For more info - https://www.facebook.com/groups/1294292134041530/
We are so incredibly grateful to those fighting and containing these fires as well as the families and communities who are supporting these crews. Wishing everyone the best and hoping our firefighters and northerners stay safe.