Donation protected
Nottinghamshire Mining Museum
The coalminers of Nottinghamshire mined the coal that powered our industries and kept our people warm".
Our museum is not about kings and queens, castles or barons, lords, ladies, dancing and banquets in great houses. It is about the coalminers of Nottinghamshire.
Our Museum is about the people, their mining lives, stories, jokes, laughter and heartbreak.
Our Museum aims to:
· combine a traditional museum experience which describes and illustrates coal mining and a coal miner’s working life, through artefact displays and descriptions, written, oral, visual and digital
· provide a hands on ‘learning experience’; lots of visitor interaction with artefacts and displays in a safe environment
· offer a virtual reality experience for children and adults, using a combination of surround sound and video together with the use of virtual reality goggles to give visitors a unique ‘virtual’ coal mining experience
· illustrate key aspects of Nottinghamshire mining community life through the use of archive material; oral, visual and digital
· create partnerships with other community, arts, theatre and heritage groups to promote our community’s pride in its coal mining history
The coalminers of Nottinghamshire mined the coal that powered our industries and kept our people warm".
Our museum is not about kings and queens, castles or barons, lords, ladies, dancing and banquets in great houses. It is about the coalminers of Nottinghamshire.
Our Museum is about the people, their mining lives, stories, jokes, laughter and heartbreak.
Our Museum aims to:
· combine a traditional museum experience which describes and illustrates coal mining and a coal miner’s working life, through artefact displays and descriptions, written, oral, visual and digital
· provide a hands on ‘learning experience’; lots of visitor interaction with artefacts and displays in a safe environment
· offer a virtual reality experience for children and adults, using a combination of surround sound and video together with the use of virtual reality goggles to give visitors a unique ‘virtual’ coal mining experience
· illustrate key aspects of Nottinghamshire mining community life through the use of archive material; oral, visual and digital
· create partnerships with other community, arts, theatre and heritage groups to promote our community’s pride in its coal mining history
Notts Mining