Nurse Jennifer caught COVID from saving lives
Jennifer probably will be upset when she finds out about this.
Her last month has been hell at work. All 13 other nurses at the facility caught the virus from work. It’s been insane for her to be THE ONLY RN LEFT at the entire nursing home here in Reno. With over 40 patients and only 2 assistants to help her, Jennifer worked 96 hours in the past 8 days tending to the sick in her COVID-19 infested facility. Without her, they will have to call in the National Guard to run the place.
Jennifer texted the family group today: “I tested positive.” With her pre-existing health conditions, it was dangerous for her to continue nursing, but she kept telling us “my patients need me” and “Even though it’s dangerous, I can’t quit.” My little sister has become a martyr for this hospital. Her first job and now she has the virus.
Tomorrow (December 3rd) is Jennifer’s birthday and she has to celebrate it in quarantine alone. This is an opportunity for you to say “THANK YOU” to a selfless healthcare worker who has given her everything to help fight this pandemic.
She has just been hired at the Prison in Susanville to take care of the inmates. Let’s hope thatthat place treats her better than this place did.