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El Salvador Family of 14 Need Home

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I started a campaign on March the 4th 2015 for the purpose of getting a home for a family of 12 children. I described in my previous post the deplorable conditions they are living in. Pastor Paul Hyde and I visited this family while on a mission trip back in February. We were so touched by the children living in such bad conditions we both wept. Thanks to the generosity of our friends we raised $6700.00. I then made another trip down there and with the help of Pastor Mauro and Bro. Raphael, we purchased a lot to build on for $6500.00. A dear sister Rosanna who is an architect volunteered to draw plans for a house. The cost to build the house is $21000.00, which I know is a lot of money. But we need to look at it as an investment in the future of these children. The father works but only makes 3 to 4 dollars a day. That's not enough to feed 12 children much less do anything else. Please do what you can to help and I will personally see that everything is done properly. Let's all do what we can and we together can make this happen. This act of kindness will not only effect this family but all who see the love of Christ in action. God bless!


  • Brett Michel
    • $100
    • 9 yrs


Bud Ridener
Shepherdsville, KY

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