Save Our Shelter-NWAWS
For nearly 30 years, the Northwest Arkansas Women’s Shelter (NWAWS) has provided NWA moms or dads and children who are escaping abuse a safe place to go in their time of emergency. Now, in a time of extreme financial distress, the shelter needs your help to ensure it continues to serve survivors of abuse well into the future.
The NWAWS Board of Directors was faced with the decision to close our doors in July 2016 unless funding could be secured.
Thanks to generous gifts from our friends, we are happy to announce that we will not close our doors this July and our Board will continue to monitor progress for the next several months before making a final decision on our future in November.
The first step to becoming stable was to raise $150,000 by the end of June. This met our immediate needs and allowed us to keep our doors open. But our needs for support doesn't stop there. Visit our webpage for a more detailed breakdown of our goals and future updates.
The problem is not that our expenses have been too high. We need your help because as we increased our capacity to meet the growing demand in our community, community support did not keep up.
Northwest Arkansas ( and Benton County) deserves an emergency shelter that can house a victim of domestic violence and his or her children at a moment's notice. Our growing community deserves a resource for those in need. There are no other programs in our area that can fully fill the gap we would leave behind.
Your financial contribution goes directly to supporting our clients. Without you, they may lack somewhere they can turn.
As one of our recent residents told us, “to feel safe and clean and fed is something some take for granted. I am forever grateful.”
30 years ago, we began when a local group saw a need for families escaping abuse to be able to begin new lives without abandoning their jobs, homes, and support networks. Let's make sure we can continue to meet the same need in the future.