Brandons Home
On july 23 Brandon Cutnoe was standing out side a cleveland public library where he was chased in to the library
by two men. He ran in begging for help and ran in the bathroom where he was gunned down. There is a need to help children have a safe place to go in the time of need. I offer that place but space is running out and i need more
room to help more children. Brandon Cutnoe Is a child I took in to my home that was senselessly killed. My goal is
to reach and help more children like Brandon that need help .So I need help to expand my add Additional rooms on to my house to help more kids or buying a duplex taking the walls down turning it in to one large home to house more children in need iver been a foster and adoptive parent for 20 years. I took Brandon in to my home he was a friend of my children and went to school
with them. Brandon had no place to go and was sleeping on the street. He was a good kid some issues but under it all was a little boy in
need of love shelter and understanding. He always jumped to help around the house and to try to make me happy. But just seeing him be a kid and be happy already made me more than happy.
It seems a lot of people walk by these kids like they are not there. see them on tv say this is so sad but do nothing about helping
them . I have adopted 6 children and all are doing very good because they have a safe place with a caring heart
them . Please help me to raise money to get a bigger home to take more kids in to help them have a
better life or make my home I have bigger. I have dedicated my life and every thing with in me to helping kids . Do you no when a kid turns 18 the county can no longer help a foster child most end up in the streets its nothing worse than having no family to run to if things go
bad no parents to help you or hug you love you give you a bed and some thing to eat . this is what I do for these kids that feel helpless .
Please help me help them have a better life. thank you every one that helps . the photo of Brandon was the photo of him with my son at his adoption in the court room they where best friends.
Brandon was killed in a library begging for some one to help him We can still help Brandon by helping kids that really need it
god bless you all and thank you for your time .