Ocean Mimic Fundraising
What is Ocean Mimic?
Ocean Mimic Foundation is an Indonesian NGO and worldwide movement focusing on reducing the amount of plastic in our oceans. So far, in just one year, we have picked up 13747 kilos of trash in 163 cleanups with over 5000 volunteers.
Our main tool is in using cleanups to raise awareness and educate. We are focusing in particular on local Indonesian schools. We are generating educational programs and cleanup events with games for school children.
Outside of Indonesia we have a growing number of cleanup leaders running cleanups around the world, spreading awareness and educating about plastic waste.
£2 = 1 Kilo
£100 = Sponsor a cleanup
Specify in the comments if you want to sponsor a cleanup or you're donating to have kilos picked up
Pick up Kilos
If you donate to pick up kilos we make note of which cleanup you contributed to. If you want to know get in touch and we will be able to tell you exactly where and when your kilos were collected.
Sponsor Events
Running events has costs - gloves, bags, waste disposal / recycling, refill water stations, printing leaflets ...
If you chose to sponsor a cleanup we will thank you on social media and on the day for your help.
What are we raising money for?
Reusable options for locals
Educational Materials
School Equipment
Trash Collection
Marketing Cleanups
Staff Salaries
Travel Expenses
Volunteer T-Shirts
Future projects
What more can I do?
Join one of our cleanups! You can find all the events on Facebook here . We are so grateful for a donation. Beyond that we are really grateful for your time. We have many ways you can volunteer for us whether you are in Bali or not. If you have over 5 hours a week to help us out please get in touch at emma@ocean-mimic.com.