OCR Everest 2022: Infinite Hero Foundation
Tax deductible
Since 2016 Evan "Ultra-OCR Man" Perperis has done annual fundraisers that involve doing a self created endurance event focused on Ultra-OCR. In 2022, he'll be tackling perhaps his hardest endurance challenge by doing OCR Everest. The plan is to run the height of Everest 29,029 feet while doing obstacles during the weekend of Tough Mudder New Engand June 4-5, 2022 in Stratton, Vermont.
This year's charity is Infinite Hero Foundation (details below). You can help by doing one of four things:
1. Donate money: It all goes to the charity, I don't take any portion)
2. Come pace me: Sign up for Tough Mudder New England if you plan on pacing during normal event hours (Saturday 745am-5pm or Sunday 8am-noon) and stop by the Infinite Hero Foundation booth to find me on my next lap.
3. Participate Virtually: We have 40x Belt Buckles that were created for the event, donate $50 and shoot Evan a message letting him know you are doing the virtual challenge (details here: https://www.teamstrengthspeed.com/ocr-everest-2022 ). It is loosely competitive so check all the rules.
4. Share this page: It is important to get the word out, if you can't financially support at this time, share this page. It works best if you message people directly asking for support instead of a non-personal share to your social media pages (although the latter helps a little too)
INFINITE HERO'S MISSION: The mission of Infinite Hero Foundation is to combat the most difficult front line issues, mental and physical, facing military heroes and their families. Infinite Hero Foundation funds programs that drive innovation and accessibility of effective treatments for military heroes and their families dealing with service-related mental and physical injuries.
More details on OCR Everest: https://www.teamstrengthspeed.com/ocr-everest-2022
More details on who Evan "Ultra-OCR Man" Perperis is: https://www.teamstrengthspeed.com/ultra-ocr-man-2
Evan's Biography: Ultra-OCR Man: From Special Forces Soldier to Record Setting OCR Athlete (now available in hard copy, digital or audiobook): https://www.teamstrengthspeed.com/ultra-ocr-man
More details on the other six Ultra-OCR challenges Evan has accomplished including 8 days of OCR marathons in winter, 24 hour treadmill OCR, Ultra-OCR at 21,000 feet, 48 hour OCR, podium finish at every 24 hour OCR in the USA and more: https://www.teamstrengthspeed.com/charity-events
Evan Perperis
Manhattan, KS
Infinite Hero Foundation