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Odin Ratliff and Hunter Jackson Funeral Expenses

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Our hearts ache for the Ratliff and Jackson families! Odin Ratliff and Hunter Jackson tragically lost their lives at the age of 3 on Monday, May 2. Playing, innocently in the sand with their toy trucks, these boys have been best friends from the start loving to play in the dirt while at Cedar Valley Stables. The stables have always been a second home to these boys. Due to reckless and under the influenced driving, the families of these boys are now mourning the loss of their little ones. Please help to raise awareness of this situation so we can help these two families with funeral costs. We will be taking the proceeds and dividing it equally between the two families. Nothing can help with this kind of loss and our hearts all ache. Please take a moment to donate and share so we can help ease these grieving families at this time.

I am a family friend to the 2 families currently grieving their loss. I will plan to provide 2 cashiers checks equally divided to the 2 families next Saturday, May 14th with all the funds!


Brynlee Evans
Eagle Mountain, UT

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