Ojibwe Pony Cryopreservation Fund
Tax deductible
The Ojibwe Pony is a small, intelligent, and friendly horse originally developed by the Ojibwe people. Almost going extinct in the 1970s, Ojibwe ponies are now at a critical standpoint in their genetic health and wellness and are currently facing issues of genetic bottlenecking. Unfortunately, there are only 20 stallions and roughly 50 broodmares left worldwide.
Many people find stallion management and housing difficult within their herds or cannot have them on a property to assist in diversifying the genetics of this breed. However, collection and freezing of semen (cryopreservation) can overcome many of these issues and barriers for caretakers of these ponies. Unfortunately, cryopreservation can be expensive for the average caretaker. The Humble Horse, a 501c3 dedicated to preserving Ojibwe ponies, is fundraising for a cryopreservation fund to assist caretakers and non-profit organizations interested in collecting and freezing their stallions. This would be critical in preserving the genetic diversity before gelding, reducing the stress of moving a stallion or broodmare or preserving genetic samples for future needs.
Miigwetch for your support!
Em Loerzel
Spring Valley, WI
The Humble Horse, Inc