Oldham Quiet Ones
Donation protected
In October 2022 I was given a 6 month life expectancy unless I had life changing surgery. In the December I underwent a 10 hour surgery having my throat cut from ear to ear, and my larynx and both lymph nodes were removed. I then underwent 6 weeks of daily radiotherapy and 6 sessions of chemotherapy. Now in 2025 I am privileged to hold the position of Treasurer for The Oldham Quiet Ones. This is a group of around 50 people of all ages, faiths, ethnicities and backgrounds (cancer does not discriminate), my fellow laryngectomees have all endured similar or even more drastic treatment. The group covers a large area including all of Greater Manchester and has members from
further afield as far as Leeds and Bradford. We are a self help group and meet 6 to 10 times a year. We are looking for sponsors of £100 to cover a. I’ll
Running costs so we can continue raising funds to help with the cost of medical equipment. A fiver buys a replacement neck nebulising mask, a tenner goes towards a travel nebulisers which enables a member to travel & go on breaks and holidays again. Twenty pounds cover a quarter of the cost of an electro larynx microphone to enable speech again. Can you help by donating a few pound. Thank you for any support. Cancer will strike 1 in 2 people.

Warwick Smith