Oliver’s unexpected end of life vet bills
Donation protected
I have been asked by several people to create this Go Fund Me. It’s not like me to ask for help (I think you all know).
Most of you also, if you know me, you know Oliver. He is my best friend, my baby, my world. I’ve spend almost 13 years spoiling him in every possible way. He goes wherever I go. I make his food with ground Turkey and veggies each week. He sleeps in my bed and I sleep AROUND where he wants to sleep. He loves his bark box and his million squeaky babies (pictured). I tell him everything and sing him to sleep at night.
on June 25 I took Oliver to the emergency vet for what I thought was a tooth abscess. The tooth was easy to remove and they recommended I see my family vet to follow up with the infection. Oliver was given an antibiotic and an NSAID for pain.
we followed up with our vet on Monday July 3 and received very shocking news. She thinks Oliver has a canine oral melanoma. We were given more antibiotics, more NSAID, and gabapentin for pain. We were told to check back in a week and see his progress and we would discuss a referral to Nashville for Oliver to see an oncologist and surgical team to discuss options on this mass.
he just got worse. I woke up on Wednesday July 5 to blood all over my pillow and Oliver unable to swallow due to inflammation and blood trickling down his throat and out of his mouth. Immediately we packed up and headed to nashville ER.
We spoke with an oncologist and received the worst news I could imagine. Oliver has canine oral melanoma or sarcoma. The fastest growing most aggressive oral cancer a dog can have. More bad news. Oliver is not a candidate for surgery due to the size and location of the tumor. Our option was palliative care. Either chemo or just “keeping him comfortable” until it’s time to go. The fact that I only heard the word cancer 3 days ago, NOT trying chemo was out of question. I will do whatever I can for my baby.
Started chemo. Came home. Took a nap in bed. I woke up to Oliver choking and blood coming out of his nose. Cleaned him off and tried to feed him. He will not eat. We’ve tried soft food, boiled chicken, boiled eggs, cottage cheese, bone broth, chick fil a nuggets (his favorite) and even left over pot roast just to get something in his tummy. He wants to eat and tries to eat but his mouth is like one giant open wound and it hurts too bad that he spits the food out. 2 weeks and
$2500 later, I think it’s time to lay my baby to rest. I cannot let him hurt like this anymore. The tears coming from my eyes right now don’t stop. It’s been days of tears and shock and drug induced sleep to just stop my own pain. I would do anything to turn this around and hope for a miracle. But I’m also trying to be realistic and end my best friend’s suffering. I can’t keep shoving pills down his bleeding throat. I can’t leave him while I go to work. I can’t keep worrying about if he will be alive when I get home. I think it’s time.
we have an appointment to discuss euthanasia tomorrow which will be around another $300.
if you can help I’ll be so appreciative. If not, please just share
thank you everyone for your kind words during this hard time. I’ve received messages from hundreds of people which makes me feel confident I gave him a good life. Oliver has been the best thing that ever happened to me. He’s been here supporting me with his love through so much. Friend deaths, break ups, pet loss. He is absolutely irreplaceable. These next couple weeks are going to be unbearable for me. I will probably be hard to reach and sleep a lot. But I want to thank you all for your help and love through this awful time.
Thank you to my ex who loves Oliver dearly and has been a huge support. My family who came in town to celebrate, but ended up consoling me, my work family for being so gracious and encouraging me to take the time I need, and to Lexis Hunter for the advice I’ve needed.
like I said, if donation is not an option, please just share this. And if you have any pictures of Oliver over the years please send them to me. I’m going to miss my baby so much.
Hannah Schofield
Newburgh, IN