Help Olivia Hoover Release Her Debut Album
Donation protected
Hi :) I'm Olivia Hoover (she/her) and I am a singer/songwriter based in Philadelphia, PA. Some of you may know me from Michigan, growing up on the Grosse Pointe North Performing Arts Center stage (classic PAC), or maybe you were there when I belted out 13 the Musical, on Parcells Middle School's stage. Some of you may know me from Michigan State University - producing movies, silly sketches and documentaries. Maybe you know me from working together in a production office or a film set in Los Angeles, California - working on TV shows and VFX for commercials, or from my coffee shop days at Lo/Cal Coffee on Fairfax in West Hollywood. Or - maybe you met me in Philadelphia? In the Philadelphia Voices of Pride Choir, where I sang Soprano 1 for three semesters and volunteered on the board as the Production Chair for two. Or from serving vegan food at Fitz on 4th over in Queen Village. However you met me...I'm so glad you're here. Because of you, I feel confident to make this career switch, and because of you, I am the woman I am today. A woman who is so free, open-hearted, creative, intuitive, confident, loving, compassionate and smart.
Today I come to you to ask for your support in producing my first album “I’m An Artist” as well as other funds to be used to support me and my launching of my music career. I have a lot to say on the matter - but I have split it up into paragraphs. Thank you in advance for considering donating. <3
What Have I Already Done in the Music Biz /What Do I Plan to do?
Since April 2022, I have released two singles (I'm An Artist , and Judy T .), both recorded and produced by me, as well as a few other work-in-progress tunes to Bandcamp . I've played five shows in Philadelphia where my name is on the bill, and performed in countless open mics/jams. I participated in Leesta Vall in Brooklyn's paid direct-to-vinyl record sessions, who reached out to me to recording custom records to sell to my fans.
Additionally, I've formed a band to play on my solo project with (yay!!!), written a whole album (with more written for the next already), released a music video that I made by myself for I'm An Artist - and also co-shot/edited two music videos for Dija (@DijaMade on youtube). Judy T. is currently being edited as we speak.... ;)
Presently: I have been in the studio recording and mixing and mastering my album, to release to all of y'all by December 17th. Hence why I'm here now. :)
Also! I have a show coming up - opening for Will Fishwick on Friday November 24th in Detroit at 8:00 PM! Come hang!
About Me/My Core Beliefs (aka the human behind the Artist your supporting)
Anyone who knows me knows that I am a very vocally multifaceted individual. I believe everyone is multifaceted and multi-talented, but not everyone is vocal about their multiple gifts. Not their fault. We are all put into categories, boxes, at young ages and have to often go down paths of being a "STEM person" or an “Artist" or a “Woman” or a “Man” etc - before we ever stop to question if that’s what we really want. If that’s who we really are. For some? It is. It was. For others? Quite the contrary.
I believe we were each put on Earth in these bodies to share our individual gifts - to learn, to experience life as a human and to question EVERYTHING: especially what we were taught while young. How do we do this? By trusting our own intuitions to guide us every single day. And trusting others to share insight and advice along the way. To lean on ourselves, yes, but also on others. This is a process that is shamed - the leaning on others. We are supposed to be independent - we’re supposed to have it handled. I think that is nonsense. Without community, without mutual aid, without volunteers, gifts and support from others etc. - soooo much would never have been created/saved/discovered/learned.
Moving back to my ‘boxing us in as kids/teens/young-adults/adults’ point: we should be allowed to switch it up whenever we feel called to. This can be easier said than done, so please be gentle on yourself. Just know that in case someone told you otherwise because they’re letting fear lead them…. you’re allowed. :) I know in my soul that each and every one one of you are so much more layered and multi-dimensional than whatever job you hold. Than the number in your bank account right now. Than where you live. These are all only one part of you. You are in a chapter of your life right now, and easy or challenging, it will eventually shift again. I have experienced all kinds of feelings, shifts, and events iin my 25 years in this body, but the two through lines in my life have been support from my community, and music. Without either of those, I would not be here to write this today.
I need to make music expressing all of these beliefs - and about lessons I’ve learned.
And so I am. So I did. So I will continue to do. Each song I’ve written has healed a part of me, and it is my belief that sharing them on this first album (with more to come) will hopefully help support others as they go down their own healing journeys (which I do believe are ever-constant - we never stop healing and growing).
Thank You, Past Supporters
In 2020 when I decided to Direct and Produce a documentary film all about my grandmothers isolating alone as widowed women during the pandemic (shoutout Kuku, Judy, and the entire team behind that film - especially Jason Howard, Emma Puglia, Chloe Bigwood, and Colleen Squillace) - I was scared sh*tless. I put up a GoFundMe for the film, and we raised $5,599. It was incredible - the entire process. It was enough to get the film off the ground, and it eventually would go on to be nominated for festivals in California, New York, Canada, Michigan, and also premiere in Michigan - featuring a talk-back with the cast and crew. We simply would not have been able to afford flights, gear, rates for my crew, meals, festival fees, any of it: without your help. If you donated to that, you know who you are - and thank you. Thank you for caring, for watching, for listening, for showing up for me - in person or digitally. Thank you to those who sat down and watched that film with me at my grandma's viewing, when we had it on in a corner. Thank you for remembering her and for allowing me to create a momento that me and my family can cherish forever. Thank you to my family for your vulnerability of being a part of storytelling your own lives, and theirs. I learned so much from that film and will never stop being proud of it.
When I took a leap of faith and moved to Philadelphia (guided here by an old friend, and comforted by the fact that so many of my soul-family members are a few miles north east in New York City) I put out a call for funds to help support me - and you all showered me with love. Your kind words and your financial love encouraging me to start anew, truly helped get me going. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. Specifically I need to honor my Grandma Judy and my Mom, who have been lights when things have gotten super dark - supporting me however they can.
Present Day Olivia (aka Philly) / How Did Music Find Me Again?
I've since found a home here in Philly, living here for almost two years - in my own apartment with my two cats and tortoise. I've found friends, community - special souls that I refuse to live the rest of my life without (so I won't). I've held many jobs and at said jobs, met other artists who reminded me of the artist I am (or wanted to become again). I started going to soooo many DIY indie shows, listening to more music than I had in years, and singing in a choir. Everyone I've met has helped propel me along in this journey - and everyone I hold close has been so inspiring and supportive of me. I feel SO grateful for you all and for the life I've built for myself, with you all.
My home has become my own music studio. On a broken guitar that I found at my Mom's house just before moving - I started to teach myself how to play and songwrite. It helped me navigate multiple different types of heartbreaks, huge life changes, process the grief of my grandmother, identity-discoveries, and also sing and riff about the silliness and joy in life. It's been so special to now have another instrument to accompany my voice - I love carrying it around on buses, trains, and on foot - I feel so myself. Shoutout to Juniper Danger Sweeney for buying me the guitar I use so frequently, the upgrade from the busted mini-fender found in my mom's basement pre-moving to this has been night and day. And thank you, also, for all of the ways you've supported me ever since the day I met you. Without you, I would not be where I am today - writing this. Creating this album. You met me before I even identified again as an artist, and you stuck by my side through some of the lowest and challenging jobs I’ve ever had, and been a fan of mine through it all. Through everything we’ve been through, you have remained patient, understanding, supportive and kind. Thank you, also, for accompanying me to New York City where I recorded 28 custom vinyls for folks who bought them (THANK YOU!!) - dancing your butt off to every single one, or crying *respectfully* to the sad ones. (Shoutout Leesta Vall Records) That night was one I'll never forget. I love you so much. Thank you to Lee Harrison Daniel for being a best friend to me, and for letting us both crash in your living room after that 4+ hour session. Your artistry and community-building are two facets of you that I respect so highly - it’s been such a blessing to travel up and down (you or I) to support each other’s shows and events. You remind me that creating art needs to be a part of our daily lives and it can 100% be. I love you so much!
To all of my other best friends I have yet to mention (Maggie Powers, Colleen Squillace, Chloe Bigwood, Dija, Matt Carlsen, Ryan Carlson, Elijah G. Burton, Natalie Michael - you all have been instrumental in my growth as an artist and human. THANK YOU ALL for your love and friendship!!!) I can't name everyone here because I'll just go on forever and ever but please know that I see you all - best friend, neighbor, friend, coworker, boss. I appreciate you so much.
So Why Fundraise now?
I'm 25 now, and it's taken me until age 24 to realize (Remember, rather) that I am meant to live my life as a person who shares her voice and life lessons through music. Through singing. Through songwriting. Through performing. I am so grateful that it took me until now because every single job I've had, person I've met, city I've lived in, class I took, lesson I learned, project I created: has all led me to this point. Of Remembering who I am. Over the course of the past year, I have started channeling my poems, thoughts, feelings and meditations into songs - and I even started playing them out. At open mics, at local events (fundraisers, independent shows etc), and I've even met four lovely humans who believe in me and my music so much that they've decided to be on some of my tracks for my album!! Two of those folks are also now my bassist and drummer - Ethan Archer (bass) and Kevin Walker (drums). To say that I technically have a band is so insane. Leap and the net will appear is REAL.
I played a show for my friend Gabe Preston's beautiful local event "Under the Bridge Fest" on September 30th, 2023 (full performance is linked below) and at that event, I was connected with someone who connected me to my now engineer for my debut album: I'm An Artist. I've had 6 sessions with him, so far, and plan on many more - in order to get my 12 track album finished.....by December 17th. It’s been a wonderful experience, and in order to continue these sessions - I need your support.
Why Release this on December ___?
That is my late _________'s birthday. She has a song about her on the album “You Are Free” (featuring cello from Alyssa Almeida) that is so special to me. I honestly credit her spirit for pushing me to be more open about who I am - which is an Artist, a singer/songwriter specifically. I feel her pulling strings on the other side for me along with my other angels and ancestors and I am so grateful. SO grateful. I need to stop here and give a massive shoutout to my soul-sister Dija for giving me the tarot reading of a lifetime last year where she told me that I was only being 10% of Olivia right now. She was right. I wasn’t expressing myself through the mediums I know so well (my art/voice) and it was that push that propelled me to sit with myself and realize…if I could do anything, be anyone, who would I be? Dija and I have each been by each other’s side, as we’ve written new songs, shared old ones, shared poems, created music videos, released music, created Olivia Hoover merch for me to sell (she is so talented) and just in general been such a grounding friend to me through this process. I could write essays about each of my soul family members but I really need to wrap this up. Dija especially deserves a shoutout - because doing this solo artist thing truly wouldn’t have been possible without her gassing me up to start sharing my voice and art with the world. So thank you, Dija. And thank you, ________.
Why $5,555?
Numerology is so important to me and 555 is all indicative about change and new chapters. Between studio costs (approximating around $3,000), musicians I don’t know to play on my track, taking time off of work to play unpaid gigs that I see as beneficial for continuing my career, out of state flights and bus tickets to play shows in New York, Michigan, California, Nashville, you name it, every penny donated will be put to use.
It’s no secret that every artist needs money to back them up. Gear also runs a pretty penny. I’ve been recording my music on a very low quality mic and 1 track interface headphone package that I bought for $100 last year - I’d love to upgrade that ASAP, and probably also invest in a new macbook. The funds will help go towards that. Something cool, too, is that I’ve found knack for helping others record and produce their music! So my new gear will also help my friends. We love that.
Recording alone and on my own timeline is so hugely helpful for my creative process - the ability to go into the studio now with so much of my album already pre-recorded, and then we can opt to re-record it and or keep it and edit it is HUGE. I’ve self-taught myself how to mix/master/record but I want to make sure that my quality is high from here on out - so that I am taken seriously and also… literally heard.
You Are (Helping Me) Invest(ing) in my Future
It is my hope and mission to take the songs I record and produce and share and put them up on YouTube, all streaming platforms, and later on vinyl records.I already have two songs out and am so hype to get the rest out!!! I plan on eventually touring - and in that, I will need to pay my musicians, and have money for myself. You are investing in my future :’), and you are helping me invest in mine.
Do I feel strange asking for this? Especially now, with so many other important organizations and causes needing money far more badly than I do? YES. Of course. Will there ever be a time I don’t feel that way? Probably not, no! So I’m going to do it now. But please, only contribute what you feel is just and necessary. Thank you again, a million times over.
Olivia Hoover
Philadelphia, PA