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Cameron J. Ruby Leukemia Fund

Spende geschützt
Five weeks ago while skiing Cameron Ruby had some chest pains.  His mom took him to urgent care to get checked out thinking maybe he had a cold or flu bug...During the exam the Docator's noticed his spleen was enlarged and his blood count was elevated.  They called for an ambulance to take him directly to the hospital where they confrimed that he had AML Leukemia. He spent 5 weeks in the hospital and underwent very aggressive chemo treatments for 10 days but has just gotten the news that the cancer was resistant and will now need to do more chemo and get a bone marrow transplant.  Cameron is described by his friends as being the nicest boy they know.  He's always happy, kind and compassionate toward others.  Please help us raise money to help pay for his medical bills so that he can get the best treatment available.

An article on "The High Cost of Leukemia Treatment "


  • Douglas Mills
    • $50
    • 7 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Jessica Jenkins Brennecke
Lake Orion, MI
Sandra Ruby

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