My Story and the Urgent Need:
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As a loving husband, father of four young children, adjunct professor and entrepreneur I find my self the unfortunate and troubling situation of facing a three day notice to pay rent or quit. While reflecting in the grips of the pain and anxiety to earn and now raise the money needed to pay back rent and get back on track, have come to some realizations. Now I see this painful place as one of transformative pain and healing because it has forced me to see myself and my reoccurring patterns. I searched myself for answers and the root cause of my present crisis. What I discovered was shocking. I discovered that although as a pastor, teacher, mentor and encourager to many people, helping them to see their best self as God as he sees them, whole perfect and complete. I was in reality blind. Blind to the fact that I did not see myself in that same way I did not hold my self in a positive light. I had a wrong perspective of both God and myself.

I discovered that I was operating from an internal deficit incurred by self hate, loathing and doubt of my own personal gifts and ability to succeed. And somehow I thought that God was seeing me in the same way as I have seen my self. This hidden self loathing was sabotaging and limiting all of my best efforts to succeed. Resulting in my seemingly recurring theme of coming up short. For you see, I have been helping others to see themselves as God sees them but I did not believe enough in myself to accept that I too am a wonderful, powerful and whole creature of God, unique and worthy of love, acceptance and appreciation.
This discovery was so overwhelming it almost sent me into a place of deep depression and dread but GOD sent me some help. (They say when the student is ready the teacher will appear.) That is exactly what happen for me. I was suddenly able to hear my loving wife. And I was sent two gifted teachers in the Law of Attraction. They showed me how my internal success thermostat was set on low for my good and the good of my family.
With the help of the life coaches, my wife and God, I have begun to take first steps on a new road to positive transformation, personal acceptance and happiness. Finally I am beginning to see myself as God sees me not at the bad little boy that never quite gets things quite. But now I’m beginning see myself as a powerful man of purpose and destiny, one who loves God and others just as much and he loves himself. I can now say this without shame and or doubt. I LOVE MYSELF. I live now seeing my self as God see me in the fullness of His Light, Love and Life. No more self sabotage only healthy positive thoughts now.
However, during this transition period I need some temporary financial assistance to get over this dry patch created by previous thoughts of lack and limitation, doubt and fear.
I have already gotten two part-time jobs one as an adjunct professor and another as a afterschool elementry /middle school tutor both jobs will start paying in about a month from now. I also do Uber driving when time allows. Here is where I need your help first I need you to pray that God will continue what He has started in my heart regarding restoring and preparing my heart to receive His love, correction and healthy self image. After you pray for me and my family if you feel so lead give a donation to my go fund me account. With your prayers and tangible support I can then go to my kind landlord and cure the situation. In this way both cures will be set in motion.
How did I get here? I resigned my job In youth development desirous of a career change. I was hired as a Hospice Care Spiritual Counselor. My primary role was to comfort the dying and prepare their remains for transportation. However it was not a good fit for me and the company. I learned a lot about death and dying however I did not make it past the probation period and I was terminated. I drew unemployment and worked on a new entrepreneurial effort, teaching chess in middle and elementry school. I also became an Uber driver it was too little to late. But during the summer I did not teach in the university and I had a little summer work. This is how we got behind. I thought that my unemployment would last longer and my my tutoring work along with Uber would pick up quicker. Neither happened and now here we sit in this present crisis.
Six months behind in our rent, totaling $ 11,55O. Realistically It is going to take a few month for the income that I am currently making to cover the on ongoing utilities and to get back on track with the rent. That is why am asking for $21,000.
What do you get for your investment? You get to become a partner with God and me to bring about the healing and restoration of our family of six. You help to bring peace and stability to my wife and children. You get to know that for our family you made a significant difference. And helped a healer get the healing that he needs. By investing in us you also invest in the lives of the people we serve in our various services to humanity particularly our work with youth, men, women, and couples. You will be touching and helping many people when you help us. Those of you who are my close friend know that I live the be a proactive agent of change communicating so that others will be healed, liberated and appreciated. In other word the healing that I will receive in this process, I will in turn pay it forward to the ones that I serve in life. Thus multiplying your investment exponentially.
If you are still reading by now, I trust that you feel my heart and for that I want to thank you for allowing me to be transparent with you as a first step toward my complete healing. Thank You.
"And the king will say. I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it unto me!"
Matthew 25 : 40
The Muhammad's thank you in advance for your help, prayers and support.
Omar A. Muhammad
Gardena, CA