On Nationalism: The Fragility & Possibility of We
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The Racial Imaginary Institute and The Poetry Project are thrilled to invite friends and supporters to join us in the presentation of a three-day symposium, "On Nationalism: The Fragility & the Possibility of We."
Co-organized by The Racial Imaginary Institute, the CUNY Graduate Center, and The Poetry Project, this landmark convening will bring together writers, scholars, and artists exploring the affective and emotional ties of nationalism from a breadth of contexts, for a series of free and open to the public performances and conversations, presented on June 11, 18, and 19 at Judson Memorial Church and The Poetry Project at St. Mark's.
How can we reimagine nation, tribe, and community? What practices of listening, sharing, and making might we enact across varying visions of community, decolonization, and self-determination? We are gathering a global cast of speakers, performers, and participants, including LaTasha N. Nevada Diggs, Bhanu Kapil, Layli Long Soldier, Maaza Mengiste, Viet Thanh Nguyen, and many more, as we consider these questions through a range of critical lenses.
In addition to our live and online audiences for the symposium, these programs will be archived, recorded, and assembled for a print publication as well. We are calling on our communities to support us in bringing these powerful and provocative voices together, and are pleased to offer a range of donation tiers, so that you can select a level which best suits you:
- Institute Builder ($5,000 and above): Invitation to private dinner for On Nationalism participants at the New York apartment of TRII founding member Claudia Rankine, plus all benefits listed below
- Supporter ($1,000 and above): Invitation to VIP receptions for the On Nationalism participants, plus all benefits listed below
- Contributor ($500 and above): Reserved ticket for both days of the symposium, plus all benefits listed below
- Friend ($250 and above): Signed books donated by Graywolf Press from Graywolf authors Layli Long Soldier, Claudia Rankine, Jess Row & Monica Youn, packaged in a fabulous TRII packable tote bag, plus all benefits listed below
- Donor ($100 and above): Newly published TRII On Whiteness symposium book, plus all benefits listed below
- Guest ($50 and above): A TRII packable tote bag, plus all benefits listed below
- Listener ($25 and above): A TRII mug, plus grateful acknowledgment on our webpage and in our printed programs for the events
All donations are tax-deductible. Donations marked as anonymous in gofundme will also be withheld from the webpage and printed programs.
The Poetry Project in collaboration with the Racial Imaginary Institute
New York, NY
The Poetry Project