One For One Million
Tax deductible
So here it goes...
As many of you know our sanctuary has been flooded under several feet of rain and mud since December. The animals have been displaced from their pastures for months. And our property is in ruin. We need to move for the safety and security of the 100+ animals rescued from abuse, neglect, and slaughter we have promised to love and protect for the rest of their lives.
This week I shared that the farm next door has been listed for sale. And also I shared that although it would be the perfect solution to all of our problems it seemed like something that as a small grassroots nonprofit we could never afford.
But your response was overwhelming.❤️ You all were so incredibly positive that we could do this. That we could buy that farm. That we could get the animals to safety. That you gave me hope in a time when I have felt hopeless.
So at your suggestion we started a Go Fund Me. The goal is one million dollars. And although it seems unimaginable that we could reach that goal. You all reminded me that it is possible. It could go viral. And it could become the miracle that we need after so so many hardships.
A lot of you have supported us through this natural disaster. And so I do not want to ask you all to give too much. So I am asking you this.
We are calling this campaign One for One Million. Because we are asking all of our supporters and anyone who sees this call to action to give just one dollar. But we are also asking you to share our story with your friends, family, and followers and ask that they do the same. Give one dollar and share. We are hoping that a millions of humans can come together all over the world for the animals to make this happen.
Please be a part of this miracle and help it come true by giving $1 and sharing our story.
Camilla Landon
Watsonville, CA
Little Hill Sanctuary