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Support for deer park hawaii nail salon family

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Hi, how are you guys? Hope everything is going well. My name is Shihua Yang, my elder sister Xu Yan(English name Jenny), one of the victim who had been killed in the crash yesterday afternoon located in NYS long Island Hawaii Nail & Spa. Me and her family member were shocked and deeply grieved when we got this news. We cannot believed that we lost her forever. I was hang out with her last week, we talked a lot, and her dreams in the future, but that could not be come ture. Until now, I still think that is a dream. I also hope it was a dream.
The purpose of the fundraising is help her family to do posthumous affairs and help her father and son maintain a normal life. Jenny's father cannot work anymore because he is 70 years old, cannot speak well English, he face the problem of funding himself after his daughter(Jenny) passed away. The most important thing is she has a 12 years old boy who got poliomyelitis. They lose their only prospect!
Be her cousin, I'm very thankful and appreciative everyone who helped Jenny' family to pull through this tough situation.
God bless everyone, god bless Jenny will be happy in the paradise. Thank you all!!!!


Shihua Yang
Flushing, NY

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