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One Stop Plaza Project

Donación protegida
One Stop Plaza is a visionary endeavor aimed at transforming the heart of Northeast Portland into a thriving beacon of commerce and culture. But that vision could slip away if we don’t raise $15,000 by June 10. Securing these funds will allow us to continue seeking financial support from individual investors and grants to make One Stop Plaza a reality. Without it, we will lose this opportunity to establish a new era of Black ownership in Northeast Portland’s Soul District - the neighborhood where I was born and raised but have since been displaced by lack of affordability. The One Stop Plaza initiative is an innovative black business and cultural hub poised to serve as the cornerstone for community empowerment, offering African American entrepreneurs and other minority business owners a flourishing platform to showcase their unique array of culturally rich products, services, cuisine, and entertainment. The vision for One Stop Plaza includes 10 permanent food carts, an outdoor dining area, and a covered stage. Additionally, it will renovate an existing building into a welcoming, energy-efficient space for locally-owned businesses. Our pledge is steadfast—to reverse the declining trend of black business ownership in Northeast Portland. We envision a vibrant ecosystem that not only drives economic growth but also enhances the cultural fabric of the area, providing a nurturing ground for businesses to prosper. It’s an example of "reintrification," an invigorating paradigm shift coined by hip-hop luminary Roxanne Shante. It represents the resurgent narrative of individuals who, after years of displacement, are now returning to reassert their influence and ownership within their community. Please consider making a pledge to One Stop Plaza. Your donation is more than an investment in a building - it’s an investment in cultural revival. Your involvement is the catalyst for preserving the essence of Northeast Portland's heritage, ensuring that black ownership and cultural identity remain woven into the community's tapestry. Join us in this celebratory mission to honor our history, elevate the present, and architect a future where diversity in business ownership is not an aspiration but a realized norm. Endorse the One Stop Plaza initiative and be part of a transformative era in Northeast Portland's story.


  • Mary Winzig
    • $25
    • 3 mos
  • Vicki Bruno
    • $100
    • 3 mos
  • Chris McMurry
    • $20
    • 3 mos
  • Anónimo
    • $250
    • 3 mos
  • Jaqueline De Santiago
    • $25
    • 3 mos


Karanja Crews
Portland, OR

Un sitio fácil, eficaz y de confianza donde encontrar ayuda

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