Ongoing Support for Ukrainian GRIN2B Family
Tax deductible
Hello GRIN2B Families and Supporters,
I'm raising money to benefit a courageous mom, Nadezheda, and her family in Ukraine. Several weeks ago, I emailed Nadezhda, the only GRIN2B family I knew from Ukraine. I asked how her family was doing, if they were safe and how we could help. We've been corresponding ever since, and she has asked me to share her family's story.
Meet the Bilous Family from Ukraine:
Nadezhda lives with her husband and two sons in a village just 40 minutes west of Kyiv. Her 8-year-old son, Andryusha, is diagnosed with GRIN2B. He is nonspeaking and non-ambulatory. We are in the process of sending the medicine they are running out of. They are sheltering in their basement with several other families while her husband is fighting. Nadezhda has also taken on the responsibility of bringing food to elderly neighbors. At this time, it is not safe for all of them to leave the country. If her situation changes, we can help her escape to stay with relatives of a GRIN2B family in Poland.
At this point, staying and sheltering or leaving and starting over places a significant burden on Nadezhda as she can no longer work. We have promised to do whatever we can to help keep them safe. Many of our supporters and GRIN2B families have written to ask me how to help. All donations to this Gofundme will be sent to the Bilous family so they can stay safe and rebuild their lives eventually.
Thanks in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much to all of us at GRIN2B Foundation.
Liz Marfia-Ash, on behalf of the GRIN2B Foundation Board of Directors
Here are just some of the stories Nadezhda has shared with me:
“Today, embracing my sons, I woke up thinking that I had a terrible dream. I opened my eyes and saw that I was in the basement, all sleeping together on the floor. And explosions are heard on the street. Awareness of all the horror that is happening on our earth is coming. All women are crying, men are defending us. My husband is defending our city. The whole world is currently supporting Ukraine. It gives us strength!! Today we can't leave the house, there are fights in all directions. Security only in the shelter. We pray to God that the bomb does not hit our house, because it will overwhelm us. Food and water supplies will suffice for a while. I don't know what will happen next.”
"We hold on. Hail was fired at night, the house shook. We are alive and well. The air smelled strongly of gunpowder and ash fell from the sky. People are already exhausted. But we all hold on. We pray to God that the European Union will close the skies over Ukraine. To give us the opportunity to survive. So as not to bomb civilians. This is the genocide of the Ukrainian people."
"We will lose in one case - if we give up. And UKRAINE WILL NEVER DECIDE TO GIVE UP !!! We are a strong friendly peaceful nation. We want to live and raise children at home, on our land. We are all sincerely grateful for your support !!! The whole world is currently supporting Ukraine. It gives us strength !! I am personally very grateful to all of you for supporting my family. Every letter of yours grips my heart. Thank you for your support ."
More information about GRIN2B Foundation: GRIN2B Foundation is a parent-run organization dedicated to furthering research on the GRIN2B gene and providing support and education to the small, but growing community of individuals and families impacted by a GRIN2B diagnosis. EIN 82-1499966
Liz Marfia-Ash
Niles, IL
GRIN2B Foundation