OPB's Feminine Hygiene Kits For GAZA Fundraiser
Tax deductible
Want to join us in making a difference? The sisters of the Beta Upsilon Chapter of Omega Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated are raising money to benefit Pious Projects of America, and any donation will help make an impact. Thanks in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much to me.
More information about Pious Projects of America: Pious Projects is a not for profit charitable organization. We created a way for people to take part in humanitarian charitable projects from all over the world. We partnered up with the best charitable organizations and developed a crowdfunding platform for you to donate to as many causes that you feel are important all under one place. We make it easy for them to find the projects that touch them most and give them the opportunity to make any size donation big or small.
Omege Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated Beta Upsilon Chapter
Hoboken, NJ
Pious Projects of America