Open Access to Scientific Research
As a scientific Publishing House, we have decided to share our books, papers and publications for free, as we strongly believe that the results of any serious scientific research should be available to everyone in Open Access .
Researching, writing, editing, proof-reading, and publishing a scientific book demands a lot of money. Usually, this is done by having access to public funds, which means that the citizens pay for that research. If this is true, then we believe that the results of that research should be available for everyone – researcher, teacher, reader, or student – for free, everywhere.
So – thanks to GoFundMe – we'll share all our funded scientific publications in an easily readable PDF format on major free-sharing platforms, such as Google Books, and Internet Archive (Archive.org), as we're already doing on academic-realated platforms (e.g. Academia.edu).
We are "Universitas Studiorum" Publishing House, and we've been publishing academic and scientific books in english, italian, french, spanish, and other languages since 2011.
We hope we'll have your help. As a sign of acknowledgment, every funded scientific book will quote donors names. Everyone who will benefit from that research should also know how that research was made possible.
Thank you very much for your attention.
Dr. Edoardo Scarpanti, PhD
CEO - Universitas Studiorum Publishing House
Mantua - Italy