Support an Orthotics & Prosthetics Clinic in Haiti
Tax deductible
Haiti has been struck by disaster after disastar. Since 1981, Haiti Adventist Hospital (HAH) has served the people of Haiti through good times and bad. The closest hospital to the epicenter of the 2010 earthquake which struck Port-au-Prince, the hospital threw open the doors to support victims of the earthquake and the cholera epidemic that followed, supported by Loma Linda University and Adventist Health International, among others. That support has continued with the revitalization of the operating room and expansion of services, aimed to benefit Haiti's poor and underserved population.
With the operating room updated and orthopedics program expanding, expanding the rehabilitation program has become a logical next step. Re-opening an orthotics and prosthetics (O&P) clinic at HAH will enable consistent treatment and follow up for patients who have had amputations or are in need of orthopedic devices, like AFOs, club foot bracing, or other splints.
O&P services are important in a country like Haiti, where restoration of mobility can mean restoration of the ability to participate in the community-to earning a livelihood and opening the door for obtaining an education.
To open an O&P clinic at HAH, HAH is partnering with Loma Linda University School of Orthotics and Prosthetics, Amistad International, and Tim and Annika Cleveland. The money donated here will go to an account managed by Amistad International for start up costs (tools, supplies, renovations) and the ongoing support (salaries of workers) of the O&P clinic at HAH.
Tim is an American Board Certified Prothesist Orthotist (CPO) who graduated from the Loma Linda Univeristy School of Orthotics and Prosthetics in 2015. He has experience in the fabrication and fitting of a varity of prosthetic and orthotic devices and is looking forward to creating a sustainable option for orthotic and prosthetic patients in Haiti.
Annika is an MSN prepared nurse who graduated from Loma Linda University's School of Nursing (BSN) in 2015 and the University of New Mexico's MSN-Nursing Education program in 2020. She has experiance in critical care nursing and nursing education. While in Haiti, she looks forward to improving clinical education and services offered at HAH.
Tim and Annika plan to move to HAH in Fall 2020 to begin their work. To support them, and the O&P clinic project at HAH monitarily, please donate here or via Amistad International's website with the note for "Haiti O&P Tools and Equipment"
For more information about Amistad International, please visit their website at:
For more information about the orthopedic program at HAH, please visit:
For information about HAH please visit:
For more information about Loma Linda Univeristy Orthodics and Prosthetics Program, please visit:
With the operating room updated and orthopedics program expanding, expanding the rehabilitation program has become a logical next step. Re-opening an orthotics and prosthetics (O&P) clinic at HAH will enable consistent treatment and follow up for patients who have had amputations or are in need of orthopedic devices, like AFOs, club foot bracing, or other splints.
O&P services are important in a country like Haiti, where restoration of mobility can mean restoration of the ability to participate in the community-to earning a livelihood and opening the door for obtaining an education.
To open an O&P clinic at HAH, HAH is partnering with Loma Linda University School of Orthotics and Prosthetics, Amistad International, and Tim and Annika Cleveland. The money donated here will go to an account managed by Amistad International for start up costs (tools, supplies, renovations) and the ongoing support (salaries of workers) of the O&P clinic at HAH.
Tim is an American Board Certified Prothesist Orthotist (CPO) who graduated from the Loma Linda Univeristy School of Orthotics and Prosthetics in 2015. He has experience in the fabrication and fitting of a varity of prosthetic and orthotic devices and is looking forward to creating a sustainable option for orthotic and prosthetic patients in Haiti.
Annika is an MSN prepared nurse who graduated from Loma Linda University's School of Nursing (BSN) in 2015 and the University of New Mexico's MSN-Nursing Education program in 2020. She has experiance in critical care nursing and nursing education. While in Haiti, she looks forward to improving clinical education and services offered at HAH.
Tim and Annika plan to move to HAH in Fall 2020 to begin their work. To support them, and the O&P clinic project at HAH monitarily, please donate here or via Amistad International's website with the note for "Haiti O&P Tools and Equipment"
For more information about Amistad International, please visit their website at:
For more information about the orthopedic program at HAH, please visit:
For information about HAH please visit:
For more information about Loma Linda Univeristy Orthodics and Prosthetics Program, please visit:
Annika Cleveland
Albuquerque, NM
Amistad International