Help Make Clean Water Energy Open to Everyone
For the past 10 years, Daniel Connell has been helping remote and low resource communities access energy, food and sanitation facilities using his low tech inventions.
Now, Daniel has developed a portable, inexpensive hydro turbine that can help off-grid communities generate clean energy from rivers. With this system, anyone near a low drop, low flow water source can generate all the power they need for lighting, communications, medical devices, education, and many other kinds of power needs.
In September, Daniel joined COACT Lab in Barcelona to develop this system over a one-month innovation sprint. Daniel made awesome progress, but now he needs materials and workspace to develop the final version. He can then make tutorials and documentation to share the design online and through workshops and collaborations with everyone!
We need to raise €800.00 to help make this happen. Will you help us?
Your donation will help provide:
1. Materials for Daniel to complete a final version of the hydro turbine
2. Workspace rental for Daniel to complete the construction of the hydro turbine
3. Daniel's living costs to create step-by step tutorials for anyone to make it themselves
4. Publish the design on WikiFactory and share it with the world!
Every backer of this campaign will receive a copy of the design files, build tutorials, and materials list (and so will everyone else, for free) to build a hydro turbine for themselves or someone else in need!
Thank you!