Operation: Serve & Protect
Tax deductible
My name is Robert Swiderski. I am the son of a retired Chicago Police Officer, Director of “Running for Blue Lives” and mental health advocate.
Since 2018, 23 Chicago Police Officers have taken their own life, and seven have happened this year. Chicago Police suicides are 100% higher than the average police suicide rate and 200% higher than the average U.S. population rate. Something is horribly wrong here, and WE MUST do something to "Serve & Protect" our Officers.
On September 20th, we walked to all 22 Chicago Police districts, 80 miles in total and delivered thousands of thank you letters and cards for our Officers. Please visit our Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/groups/runningforbluelives/ , to get more information about the walk.
In addition, we have started this fundraiser, along with the support from Blue Help, to get a Mental Health Challenge Coin in the hands of every Officer. These coins can be on our Officers at all times to remind them that they are not alone and that conversation save lives. Every time the Officer touches this coin, it will remind them that their life matters.
One Officer's life lost to suicide is too many, let alone seven. This Challenge Coin will be a reminder for them that there is hope. Please help us to Serve & Protect our Officers during their greatest time of need.
Robert Adam Swiderski
Barrington, IL
First H.E.L.P., Inc.