Kappa Chapter Fundraising Account
Donation protected

The Kappa Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc., is one of the longest standing black organizations on the campus of Syracuse University. The 2015 2nd District Undergrad Chapter of the Year and 2016 2nd District Undergrad Scholarship Chapter of the Year , Kappa Chapter, is looking to raise money in order to pay for our chapter expenses. With this fundraising method we are able to remain a big part of not only the Syacuse University community, but the Greater Syracuse community at large. The expenses we are looking to pay for include fees for our lockbox, P.O. Box, College Endowment Fund, Chapter Insurance, hotel and lodging for our for our conference amongst other chapter operations that will allow us to remain active. Any donations will help. Thank you.
Omega Psi Phi Kappa Chapter
Syracuse, NY