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Organisational Costs - Make it Mandatory

Donación protegida
We are Make it Mandatory, a group of 9 young friends who have come together to form this national campaign. This campaign is supported by Refuge charity, MP Layla Moran, TopBoy star Saffron Hocking and many other public figures.

Our group aims to change government policy and emphasise the importance of education on all forms of domestic abuse among 16-19-year-olds, as a preventative measure. Statistics show this is an at-risk age group, which we feel the government has not focused on enough. Currently, education on domestic abuse and coercive control is not a mandatory teaching requirement for pupils past year 11 (KS4).

Our outreach team has already created 4 lesson plans and has been invited to share these in different locations, which we hope to do soon in sixth forms, colleges, and youth groups.

We are self-funded and are asking you to please donate so that we can :

  • Acquire professional training on various topics ( especially for our outreach team)
  • Cover our team's travel costs when delivering workshops across the country
  • Run vital community events
  • Continue campaigning and educating the younger generation on this important subject
  • *We will always be transparent with what our funds have been spent on and update you regularly

We love the work we do, take no salary from it and find it vital. However, we are all full-time university students or work full-time in jobs outside of this and can't afford to keep self-funding our work.

We do this because we believe in the change we are making.

We are asking you to believe in us also and donate or share this fundraiser today.


Make ItMandatory

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    Tus donaciones están protegidas por la Garantía de donaciones de GoFundMe