Organising for a World Peace Summit 2025
Donation protected
Hi, my name is Geoff Holland, (or JahFé XR on Facebook). I have been an activist for over 50 years, since I was 12 years old. I am a peace activist and an environmental/climate activist. I am Moderator of a number of global forums including World Peace Now ॐ which has been going since 2014.
We have witnessed in the last few years a decrease in international peace negotiations and an increase in military expenditure. This must be reversed!
This GoFundMe fundraiser is to promote the plan to establish a World Peace Summit every four years in the year following the Olympic Games.
The next year following the Olympic Games is 2025, which coincidentally, has been named the UN Year of Peace and Trust.
It is envisaged that Global Civil Society will lead the way and set the agenda, as national governments have failed to achieve World Peace and in many cases have acted to fan the flames of wars and other military conflict.
Global Civil Society will invite national governments to participate, increasing pressure to do so if they don't respond.
World Peace Summit 2025
World Peace Summit 2029
World Peace Summit 2033
World Peace Summit 2037
We will seek to oblige national governments to
1. strengthen and update existing peace treaties
2. sign and ratify existing peace treaties
3. establish new peace treaties where there is a need
4. reduce military expenditure in a multilateral way
5. begin and continue the process of multilateral disarmament
6. begin to dismantle the military-industrial complex
We will invite the United Nations to auspice the World Peace Summit while leaving the organisation of the Summit completely in the hands of the Global Civil Society and the World Peace Movement.
It is not envisioned that the World Peace Summit be organised by the NGO World Peace Now ॐ but rather that it be organised by a coalition of main peace groups - hopefully represented by every continent or region of the world.
Remaining conscious of the emissions created by world summits such as the Earth Summit in 1992 and the yearly climate summits, the World Peace Summit would take place entirely online via Zoom conferences (or a similar such platform).
It is envisaged that there would be a Program listing all the many Keynote Speakers, Plenaria, Panel Discussions and Workshops. All meetings would be minuted. All goals would be defined before the World Peace Summit and a review of what has been achieved would take place afterwards.
There would also be brainstorming sessions for divergent thinking and lateral ways to bring about World Peace.
This is not a talk fest. We want tangible positive outcomes for World Peace!
The World Peace Summit is about obliging national governments to divert some of the two trillion dollars of military expenditure each year to peace conferences, negotiations and peace-building. And with multilateral reduction in military expenditure, much of the two trillion dollars can also go to poverty alleviation, to peaceful conflict resolution mechanisms and resources, and to funding the transition to an environmentally sustainable global civilisation.
World media would be strongly encouraged to cover the many Keynote Addresses, Plenaria, Panel Discussions and Workshops, and report on them. We would also aim to have a strong presence on social media.
There could be physical meetings, debates, presentations and workshops in various cities around the world (involving minimal travel and expense) which could also be linked by Zoom.
The World Peace Summit could last for two weeks during Peace Week (which last year was 16-23 Sept 2023).
People who donate to this World Peace Summit GoFundMe can receive fortnightly updates on the progress of this project. You can contact us via this GoFundMe webpage.
Thank you for your support!
For World Peace,
Geoff Holland
Geoff Holland
Caravonica, QLD