7 Rescue Cats for Medical/Emergency
Donation protected

CURRENT RESCUE SANCTUARY CATS: Cassidy (female who is 18-years-old), Macy (female who is 18-years-old), Ally (female who is 4-years-old), Riley (female who was 17-years-old and has passed onto the rainbow bridge), Shelby (female who is 8-years-old), Coby (male who is 5-years-old), Hunter (female who is 2-years-old), Ryder (male whose age is unknown as of right now), and Bailey (male tabby whose age is unknown). New Recent Rescue is Kaylee (female tabby, age is one-year-old, she was pregnant, and has been spayed).
Due to lack of funds, and with me paying all expenses out of my own pocket I am asking for help to get medical treatment for seven rescue cats I have taken in over the past several years. I specialize in ferals and hospice cats. I do not adopt out. I am not a 501c, this is what I do in my spare time for feral (or stray) cats that are in need.
"Ally and Trooper" have been spayed, neutered, and has had 1st set of shots. "Cassidy, Macy, Riley, Shelby, and Coby" have had some "basic medical". Riley was a 17-year-old senior cat that was treated for uti, and her kidneys had to be checked. Due to Riley's age she just could not endure medical treatment no longer. Riley sadly passed away on October 20th of 2015. One of the newest rescue sanctuary cat is Hunter (2-years-old) who will be spayed as-soon-as-possible along with first time shots. Has been spayed.

On the right is Trooper. He is a 3-year-old (or possibly even older) black & white tomcat. He has been neutered, has had 1st set of rabies & felovax shots, and has been dewormed also. He has been treated for injuires to his ears with clavamox. Trooper has had a very rough start in life, and wants a much easier life to live in. Trooper has been missing since 8/6/2015.

These cats were taken in by me when no one else wanted them. Riley & Shelby were at one time physically abused, and were abandoned by people that could not be responsible pet guardians. Coby was a drop-off, as was Ally & Trooper. Cassidy & Macy are the only two surviving cats that Riley had before I had Riley spayed. Hunter one of the newest rescue sanctuary cat that has been dropped-off out on the place just recently. Also not pictured is Ryder a black tomcat who was dropped-off out on the sanctuary a month ago. Also, not pictured is Bailey a tiger-stripped tomcat who was dropped-off out on the sanctuary two months ago. Welcome home Bailey (Winter of 2016/2017). Ryder & Bailey are both missing sadly from the cat sanctuary. Kaylee is a young female tabby who is one-year-old. She is an extremely friendly loving kitty. Sadly, this little gal was dumped-off during the late evening hours on 3/10/2017.
Any donations would be greatly appreciated to help these very loving & deserving cats in need.
"UPDATES: are made as-soon-as-possible....thank you!"
I have enclosed a "summary of treatment recommendations" price chart from the local vet (Elkhorn Vet Clinic) in Townsend, Montana. This includes spaying & neutering, rabies & felovax shots for all cats, and deworming for all cats. Thank You Again, Melinda Spatzierath (or Melinda's Mini-Cat-Sanctuary)

Melinda Spatzierath
Townsend, MT