Sculpture for Zillman Park
Catherine Billingsley is the granddaughter of Erwin Zillman, the namesake of Zillman Park. She and her husband Carl Billingsley wish to donate a large-scale sculpture made by Carl to be permanently installed in Zillman Park.
The sculpture is titled "Bud" as in a flower bud. It is 12 feet tall about 6 and 1/2 feet across at the widest point and the base is approx. 3 feet diameter. It will fit on a 4 ft. x 4 ft. pad.
They wish to gift the sculpture to Bay View/Milwaukee as a permanent public sculpture to be installed in Zillman Park. The sculpture is valued at $12,000.00.
The City of Milwaukee is donating the cost to pour the concrete pad and installation of the sculpture.
Our funding needs cover:
- The cost to transport the sculpture to Bay View. Estimated milage to get 'Bud" to Milw. is 1100 miles.
- 2 nights lodging for the artist
- Crane and loading expenses to move sculpture from current location and loading it on trailer.
Please donate whatever amount you can to help beautify our neighborhood and accept this gracious gift to the park .
On behalf of Catherine and Carl Billingsley.