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Oscar’s Long Road To Recovery

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As many of you may know, my little brother Oscar was involved in a horrifying car accident on Feb 3. That day is a day that will haunt our family forever. It marked the beginning of the longest and toughest chapter in our lives. This is by far the strongest pain we’ve ever endured. Never in our lives did we think this would happen to us. Today we are faced with the reality that tomorrow is never promised.

Osk is our Christmas baby. He has bought joy and love to our family and will continue to do so for all the years of his life. I can’t begin to explain how humble, loving and caring my little brother is. Although I don’t have to say it cause those who have had the pleasure of meeting him already know this. If you are cold; he’ll give you the shirt off his back. Hungry? He’ll split his food with you. Sad? Take a look at that smile of his and trust me it would brighten your day. He is genuinely the most lovable human I have ever come across. I say this not because he’s my brother but simply because it is the truth.

Oscar is by far the strongest individual I know. He is fighting one hell of a fight and he WILL make it out of this fine. The road to recovery is one my family and I are beginning to prepare for. I don’t think there are any books that can honestly prepare us for what is about to take place but we accept this challenge with arms wide open. Anything for our Oscar.

We ask everyone to take the time out to say a few prayers to help Oscar in his recovery. God is good and he has his hands over my brother every step of the way. Prayers can move mountains if you truly believe and we believe that this too shall pass.

Oscars road to recovery will be a long one. One that no one can really prepare for. Oscar has spine fractures, full facial fractures, a deformed elbow, bruised lungs, he had to be rushed into brain surgery to relieve the pressure in his brain, he’s had blood transfusions, a bronchoscopy to remove blood clots in lungs and will need to have a tracheostomy, a peg line for feeding and an IVC filter to prevent and further blood clots. It is not like us to ask for help but in a situation like the one we have been dealt; all the help we can get is truly needed. Every bit counts to help my brother bounce back to normal. He will have lots of hospital bills, medicine, therapy sessions, personal expenses that still need to be taken care of. My mom will not move from my brothers side. That means she will not be able to work either. If ever I have needed anything; today is the day. I need your help, weather it be donating even $5 or just simply sharing this post.

God bless you all. Love one another and always cherish what you have because as mentioned before, tomorrow is never promised.

Oscar we love you so much. You are the piece that completes our puzzle and all we need from you is to keep fighting papi and wake up so we can see those beautiful big brown eyes! We are all here with you every step of the way.

Thank you all for taking the time to read this post.



  • Bill Longfellow 2525
    • $25
    • 7 yrs

Organizzatore e beneficiario

Caridad Somonte
Miami, FL
Caridad Somonte

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