Oscar's run for a team defibrillator
On Saturday the 12th of June the world stood still in complete shock when Christian Eriksen went into cardiac arrest during their football match with Finland. Eriksen is alive today due to the quick thinking of players, officials and Medical staff. Medical staff used a defibrillator on Eriksen which after one shock Christians heart started pumping again. As we know Eriksen will be one of the fittest athletes in world sport, so this proves that nobody is safe from a cardiac arrest.
Myself and Oscar had a conversation about what had happened to Eriksen which Oscar's reply was what if this happened to someone in our football team? A truly horrible thing to even think about but something we can actually do something about. So Oscar wants to raise money for a team defibrillator.
Oscar is going to run 1 mile per day for 26 days (Technically a marathon in 26 days) Please help us raise as much money as possible towards our target and if we make more money than what our team needs then we will look into other defibrillators for the Cuddington/ Sandiway area.
We are hoping that his friends, family and team mates will join his journey.
Thanks for reading
Oscar and Dad x