Otabek Oblokulov's Family Condolence Fund
Donation protected
Note for donors to prevent any confusions: As this incident involves Toronto and Houston Community, there is a second GoFundMe campaign created by Toronto Uzbek Community at this link: https://www.gofundme.com/f/victims039-families-in-plane-crash
Funds of both campaigns will be used for Funeral & Memorial expenses of lost ones.
On November 27th, around 5 pm a small plane went down around the Kingston area of Ontario, Canada which took lives of 7 loved ones. On-board were Otabek Oblokulov, his wife, along with their 3 precious young children, and his brother-in-law with his wife, newly-wed couple. As we have heard, unfortunately there have been no survivors. Otabek and his family, always supported both the Houstonian community and the Uzbek community. Everyone who knew him and his family, has been deeply affected and feel with deep sorrow of this major loss. As part of the Uzbek community, in order to support the Oblokulov's family in this catastrophic moment, we have created this GoFundMe page. All of the funds which are donated to this page, will be used to assist with Funeral & Memorial, Legal, and Travel expenses. The remaining funds will be given to parents of lost ones. Your kind contribution will be greatly appreciated and please keep the Oblokulov's family in your prayers.
As Houston Uzbek Community member and very close family friend, from Uzbekistan who knew him personally for more than 15 years , I created this GoFundMe campaign in order to support the family.
Bugun erta tongda, Otabek Oblokulovni yaqindan tanigan insonlar juda og'ir xabar bilan yuzlashdi. 27-Noyarb, soat kechki 5 larda Kanada davlatining Kingston shahri yaqinida avia halokat sodir bo'lgani va samalayotda bo'lgan Otabek Oblokulov, rafiqasi, va 3 farzandi, hamda yaqinda turmush qurgan ukasi va kelini halokat oqibatida olamdan o'tgani xabari keldi. Otabek Oblokulov Amerikadagi o'zbeklar orasida samimiyligi va do'stonaligi bilan tanilib hamma tomonidan hurmat ko'rgan, atrofdagilariga yordamini hech ayamagan inson edi. Oblokulovlar oilasi Houstondagi namunali o'zbek oilalardan biri edi. Bu og'ir judolik, Otabek Oblokulovni yaqinlari va do'slariga juda og'ir qayg'u olib keldi. Bu og'ir kunlarda Otabek Oblokulovni oilasiga hamdarlik bildiramiz.
Bu GoFundMe hisobi, Otabek Oblokulov va oilasini so'ng manzilga kuzatish uchun qilinadigan harajatlarni qoplash maqsadida oilasiga yordam tariqasida ochildi. O'tganlarning ruhlari shod, joylari jannatdan bo'lsin. Marhumlarning haqqiga duo qilishingizni so'rab qolamiz.
Hurmat bilan Houstondagi O'zbeklar Jamiyati .
Fundraising team: Uzbek Houston Community (3)
Shahriyor Ortikov
Missouri City, TX
Dilshoda Djuraeva
Team member
Sasha Cutob
Team member
Нармина Васитханова
Team member